Pubg servers down
Pubg servers down

pubg servers down
  1. Pubg servers down update#
  2. Pubg servers down Pc#
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  • pubg servers down

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  • pubg servers down

    The classic Adam Sandler comedy will be removed from Netflix in February.Fans on Reddit are baffled by Google Maps’ ‘holiday photo’ after spotting a major blunder.There is no confirmed end time for the maintenance because it may take longer than expected, and there is a good chance that gamers will be affected. KST, the game’s Live and Test Servers will be unavailable for approximately 38 hours as the game transitions to F2P. PUBG servers are now down, according to Krafton, and will reopen on January 12.

    Pubg servers down Pc#

    The 15.2 Live Server will be down for maintenance on both PC and Console at the same time due to the transition to free-to-play.” “Along with the Live Server Maintenance, the Test Server will shut down.” “Please be aware that maintenance may take longer than usual due to the fact that we will be updating each platform’s store and distributing rewards to our existing players.”

    Pubg servers down free#

    Please see the Free-to-Play Announcement for more information on the transition to a free play service. “We’re excited to share our one-of-a-kind Battle Royale experience with even more survivors.”

    Pubg servers down plus#

    “With our free-to-play transition, we want to expand our community even more, provide faster matchmaking, and give players more opportunities to meet new people.”īATTLEGROUNDS Plus account is added after the free-to-play service transition, and all players who owned and played PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS before the free-to-play service transition will receive the PUBG – SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE PACK” automatically. PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS has progressed across multiple platforms in order to share its unique Battle Royale experience with a larger audience.

    Pubg servers down update#

    “Hello, Survivors,” Krafton says in a message posted on the big PUBG update that launched this week.

    pubg servers down

    One thing to keep in mind about this maintenance period is that it will occur simultaneously across all platforms, including test servers. Krafton is hoping that the new pricing will help breathe new life into the game, which has been experiencing a drop in popularity on platforms like Steam.Įven without the F2P change, PUBG Battlegrounds is one of the most popular games on Steam, with a large hardcore player base. The good news is that we now know when PUBG will be unavailable to play and when everyone will be able to rejoin the game. The servers for PUBG will be down for nearly two days this week as Krafton prepares to make the game free to play. The maintenance for PUBG Battlegrounds began today, and the support team for the popular Battle Royale shooter has confirmed that the servers will be down for an extended period of time. How long will the servers be down for the PUBG Battlegrounds free to play update?

    Pubg servers down